215 Pacific St, McKeesport, PA 15132 | #1672812 | Realty Access

215 Pacific St, McKeesport, PA 15132

Active #1672812
McKeesportMcKeesport Area School DistrictAllegheny County
Single Family3 Beds1 Baths0.04 Acres
Attention investors and DIY enthusiasts! Multiple potential exit strategies: finish this remodel then either flip, rent or move in! Home being sold as is.
Presented ByRealty Access
General Information
Lot Size 1577
Taxes $600
Exterior Features
Construction Other
Style 2 Story or 2 Level
Interior Features
Room Count 3


Basement Level

  • Living Room

  • Living Room

  • Living Room

Room sizes and locations are based on available info. Bathrooms and additional rooms may not be shown. Contact us for more detail.


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Mortgage Estimator

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% down
monthly cost
Total Monthly Cost

For more details, use our mortgage comparison and amortization tool.

This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

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Presented ByRealty Access

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